FSY Week Three: June 25, 2022
I freaking love my kids from this last week sooo much!!! I thought I failed them, but they told me last night that I was an incredible counselor and they were so grateful. They said that they didn’t want to come but that they were really grateful that they did. They said that their testimonies grew and that they have a whole new perspective on life now.
Honestly, this is why we do it. This is why the team at FSY works their BOOTIES OFF to put these huge sessions together. Why they spend thousands and thousands of dollars. Why they don’t cancel sessions when a plethora of counselors and staff get sick.
This program legitimately changes lives. It completely changes them. If people allow it to, it completely changes their LIFE! FOREVER AND EVER! If you think about it, FSY has the ability to change people’s eternities. Their entire futures. Not just the people who come to FSY, but also the people that they go home and talk to. The people they will meet on their missions. The people who need to be ministered to. This program SAVES lives. It is truly a miracle, and Heavenly Father knows that. That is why a myriad of miracles happen every single day and every single week. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ take care of this program because they truly love these kids. In reality, they would do ANYTHING for these youth and FSY truly proves that. Again and again.
It is an interesting concept to me that I am going to do this for seven weeks. I already have three down on my belt, four left to go. Seven weeks to completely change.
I have to say, I am already different. I was different after one day of training. I am different each day.
My relationship with the Savior has grown immensely and my gratitude for him has skyrocketed these last few weeks because He SAVED THESE kids. MY kids. MY youth. These valiant young men and young women who have unlimited potential and unmatched worth. He saved them, and I love Him for that. I love that He loves them. I love that He atoned so that they would never ever be alone. I love Him because, through Him, I will see them again. And we will rejoice together.
Back to feeling like a failure…I was genuinely convinced that I failed these kids. I felt like this week was a waste and that they didn’t grow at all. They didn’t care about me or this program or about this week. I was totally and utterly wrong. My beliefs were the exact opposite.
It is kind of funny to me honestly. One second, they really don’t like you because you are strict, you are weird, or you just don’t get along, and the next second, they love you so much. I mean, when the heck did that happen? My friend (and roommate) and I were discussing this a few nights ago. They just randomly decide to love you, and it kind of comes out of nowhere.
They WANT to be your favorite. They WANT you to love them. They want attention and to know that they matter.
Two days ago, my boys expressed that they would do ANYTHING for me. It was so strange to hear that, I’m not going to lie. So yesterday, I needed someone to grab my backpack, my hydro, and my book, and they raced (and I mean RACED) to go retrieve them for me. Afterwards, they asked if they were my favorites.
Prior to this, (that morning) I needed help retrieving my key that someone else threw (after borrowing it) and several hands shot up in the air when I asked for help. They all were eager to make me happy.
The second half of the week, they kept giving me fist bumps and making hearts with their fingers/hands for me. I blew them kisses or made a heart back to them. Then, obviously, I gave them fist bumps anytime the opportunity arose. They loved it. You could tell they appreciated it a lot. (I obviously did too. 😉)
During the “Take it Home Showcase” (when we wrap up the week and look back on the fun and spiritual events of the days before), Becky Craven, Bonnie Cordon, and their husbands came to say hello to us. I felt like a little fangirl in their presence. They each said something to us, and it felt so special.
One of them said that he knew we would ALL agree on the answer and then asked the question, “Who is the best counselor?”
Immediately the ballroom erupted with cheers and screams. Youth were standing up and pointing to their counselors. Youth chanted their counselor’s name.
My kids didn’t chant my name, but a few of them made eye contact with me and made little hearts with their hands/fingers. I just blew them kisses and winked at them. Some of them mouthed, “I love you Kyra.” It made me happy. If only they knew how much I loved them.
When the guy was finally able to quiet everyone, he said, “So we all agree who the best counselor is.”
I’m not going to lie, I was pretty confused. The only thing I could come up with is that everyone’s favorite counselor was their own and he was going for that.
Therefore, my heart melted when he said, “We can all agree that the best counselor is the one who loves you the most. You all cheered for the ones who love you the most.”
I immediately looked to my kids (especially the ones who had looked at me beforehand) and smiled at them. I made little hearts and blew them kisses.
The man was right though. I do love them the most, and I think that is what makes someone a great counselor: when they love their kids the most.
That was a very special moment and one of my favorites of the week. But my favorite moment of the week happened later that day.
Something miraculous happened that night. After the “Take it Home Message,” one of my boys asked me if Philip (my co-counselor this week) and I would sing a duet together. I told him, “It’s not a no.”
Normally, I do NOT sing in front of other people unless I am backed by a choir. I like to blend in, not take the spotlight and sing for all to hear my voice.
That being said, for some reason I felt like I needed to do it. As we were walking back from the dance (the “Take it Home Message” was held there afterwards), I pondered this idea.
Hmm … a duet? But what song?
As I was thinking, lyrics to “A Child’s Prayer” came to my mind. That was it. That was the song I knew we needed to sing.
So when we got to our company spot and our kids sat down, I went over to Philip and explained my thoughts and plan. He was super chill about it and said, “Okay”— several times, too. He didn’t ask any questions, he was just down. I was especially appreciative when he was okay to sing the first verse (my voice fits better with the second verse).
This moment, Philip and I singing together, was my favorite memory from this entire week. Every. Single. Youth. in our company was listening. They were reverent. They were sober. They were deep in thought. They looked touched and deeply impacted by our song. By our testimony within the words, sung in melody together. Some of them looked teary-eyed and profoundly affected.
It. Was. Beautiful.
And I will never forget it.
Hehe there it is if you want to watch it.
One of my favorite thoughts to think about is that several of our kids were recording us on their phones. (The video above was sent to me from one of my boys.) For the rest of their lives, they can look at that video and remember FSY. They can remember our love for them. They can remember our testimonies: we know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. They can watch this video when they are directed to it, shed a tear or two when they really need it, and can be reminded of how much they are loved, needed, and cherished. They can be reminded of their divine destiny and limitless potential.
They can be reminded that they are never alone and that Heavenly Father HEARS THEIR PRAYERS and LOVES them.
I’m grateful that one of my boys asked if we would sing a duet because it felt like the right thing to do. It set the mood for a special and sacred evening. One I hope the kids never forget and always remember.
I do hope Andrew forgets my little mess up though…
I accidentally called Andrew, Austin (another boy in our company) while hugging him, and he was sad about that. I felt sooo bad. I promised him I would never forget about him. I plan to stick to that promise…SOOO ANDREW: I WILL NOT FORGET YOU. STOP THINKING THAT I WILL!
He left for a moment and then ended up coming back and I low-key ran to him to give him another hug. I expressed to him that I was deeply sorry and that I KNOW his name is Andrew. I told him multiple times that I will not forget him. He wasn’t convinced until about the fifth or sixth time, so I’m going to have to prove it to him over time. Maybe I’ll tag him in the group chat every once in awhile to let him know that I’m thinking of him. 😉 (Get ready Andrew 😈)
Although I am frustrated that I accidentally called him Austin, I am proud of myself for knowing all my kids’ names by the second day before breakfast. (I knew my girls’ names by dinner on the first day.) To this day, many of my fellow counselor friends don’t know their boys’ names. They barely know their girls’ names, and that’s if they know them at all. For me, there is no way that I could minister to my kids and show them I love them without knowing their names. How do you even do that? In order to emulate Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love for them, you must know them. And it starts with their name.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ set the ultimate example: when Joseph prayed in the sacred grove and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came down to answer his prayer, they BOTH used his name very first. Before they said anything else, they said, “Joseph.” Names are very important, and this is why I have a goal to learn my kids’ names as soon as possible. This is why when I hug them, I always use their names.
It means a lot to these kids. … Except when I use the wrong name. Then it makes them sad.
Sooooo … sorry Andrew. Again. I was grateful I got to give you another hug though. 😉 Thanks for coming back.
I just want to express how grateful I am to be an FSY counselor this summer. I have grown in so many ways, but honestly, my favorite part has been getting to know these youth. Getting to know young men like Andrew. Getting the opportunity to sing to them and hug them. Getting the opportunity to tease them and blow them kisses. Getting the opportunity to get after them when they don’t show up on time, and then in turn, tell them how proud I am of them when they are on time. I just love it. I love it all.
So when people ask me how this summer was, I’m going to tell them that it was legendary.
“We can all agree that the best counselor is the one who loves you the most. You all cheered for the ones who love you the most.” 🥹🥹🥹
THIS was legendary. 💛
Love it…Youth are actually very “easy” if you show forth love to them and they can feel it!!! I sure loved all my YW and I still do!!! Amazing how the spirit takes over and things just go well!! I loved the song…I bet it brought a special spirit!!
Loved your Duet! Very inspiring post as usual😀
We all love you Kyra ❤️❤️❤️
DUDE. This post made me shed multiple tears. Thank you <3
I had an Austin/Andrew moment too my last week of FSY when we were hugging goodbye hahaha! It was dark and I mistook one of my boys for his friend. I hugged him and was like, "I'm gonna miss you, David." And he was like, "I'm Michael." And I grabbed his face and looked at him and I was like, "You're right!!! I'm SO sorry! I promise I love you and I know who you are!" I felt so bad, but I think he forgave me
This is so sweet. I know you really did know us all by name, and love us as well.
And btw, you are the BEST counselor. 😉
It was a pleasure having you in my company, Isabella! I appreciate how grateful you were (and are!), it made my job much more meaningful.
Also to go back to what you said earlier, I do love tangents haha!
Hey by the way the podcast episode coming out tomorrow is one you won’t want to miss. It’s with Sister Rudolph!!!
Looking forwards to it! I’m so excited!!! 😁