Two and a half weeks ago, I was in charge of our family church meeting at home. My dad had asked me to provide a ten to fifteen minute lesson. To be frank and honest, I completely forgot about it until he asked if I was ready to go five minutes before it was my turn. I told him yes…because let’s be honest, I always have something up my sleeve ready to share.
When I pulled up the Gospel Library App (an app that has a TON of resources…like conference talks, music, videos, lessons, access to the scriptures, stories from ensigns, etc.) I already had the perfect lesson pulled up…and I didn’t have to do anything! I knew right then what to share.
You see, the week prior to that week (hopefully I’m not getting confusing here with the timeline) I had shared this story at a council meeting with some youth in my ward and some leaders. All I had to do for my family’s lesson was expand some more. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. (Have you ever heard that phrase before? I love it.)
The story pulled up on my phone was called, “Pockets Full of Rocks” by Larry Hiller from the March 1985 ensign. (Didn’t I tell you the Gospel Library App had a TON of resources?!)
Pockets Full of Rocks by Larry Hiller
There’s the link above, but I’ll post the story below too:
“Pockets Full of Rocks,” New Era, Mar. 1985
Malcolm Tent was still a young man when he began putting rocks in his pockets. It started one day when his boss, Mr. Gump, got angry at him for something that wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t yell back at his boss, because he might get fired. In fact, there wasn’t anything he could do except be angry inside. “But,” he thought, “I’m not going to forget this. no way.”
On the way home from the bus stop that night, he thought to himself, “I’ve got to remember how angry I am. I don’t want to forget in the morning.” Suddenly he had an idea. There was a small rock on the sidewalk in front of him. He picked it up and said softly to himself, “I’ll keep this rock in my pocket to remind me of how unfair Mr. Gump was.”
And that’s what he did. That night he put the rock on his dresser with his keys and comb. The next morning, when he got dressed to go to work, into his pocket went the ugly gray rock.
All that day and the next, the heavy bulge in his pocket reminded him that he should be angry at Mr. Gump. Strangely, Mr. Gump seemed to have forgotten about the whole thing. But not Malcolm Tent. Oh no. In fact, during the next two weeks, Mr. Gump made Malcolm angry several more times, and Malcolm decided he’d better get a rock for each time so he could keep better track of these things.
And so it was that Malcolm Tent’s trousers began to look baggy and strange. But at least he remembered not to forgive Mr. Gump or be friendly or anything like that.
Maybe if Malcolm had only collected rocks when he got angry at old Gump, this thing might have died out and been forgotten. But there was the taxi driver who drove right by and left Malcolm standing in the rain. Into his pocket went a shiny, rain-slick pebble from the gutter. (Of course, Malcolm had no idea of the taxi driver’s name, but it didn’t matter.) Then there was the grocery clerk who short-changed him. And the newspaper delivery boy who threw his paper into the lawn sprinkler. And the neighbor whose dog barked late at night. And … well, Malcolm discovered that there were all kinds of people and things in the world that can bother you.
Speaking of discoveries, Malcolm also discovered that when all of your pockets are full of rocks, a plain old belt won’t hold up your pants. (He discovered that fact while his arms were full of grocery sacks.) So he made himself a sturdy pair of leather suspenders to help hold up his pants.
But soon the time came when he didn’t have enough pockets in his pants, so he had to wear a jacket everywhere he went—the kind of jacket with lots of pockets. And it wasn’t long before the jacket looked as funny as his trousers. And smelled just as dusty. And got even heavier because it had more pockets.
Anyone else might have given up at this point, but not Malcolm. He bought one of those big sturdy briefcases like salesmen use. After all, when you start to look for them, there are all kinds of things in life that can bother you. And when you are always tired from lugging so many rocks around, you get angry even easier.
Years went by, and Malcolm’s collection of reminder rocks spilled out of his pockets and briefcase and all over his house. He had rocks on the kitchen sink, and in his closets, and all over the floors. A few times he even put a rock in his bed so he could remember to be angry during the night. Let’s face it. Malcolm had become a strange, unpleasant man. And most people avoided him when they could, which made him even touchier. Rocks are not very good company. They are hard and dusty, and in the winter they are very cold.
Now, Malcolm might have gone on to become a mean old man completely buried in rocks. But one day he received a phone call from a geology professor at the university. Dr. Igneous had heard of Malcolm’s large rock collection (who hadn’t?), and he wanted to bring his geology class on a field trip to see it.
“Well,” thought Malcolm, “at last here is someone who appreciates my rocks. Wait until they see all of these reminders of how often people have wronged me.” An appointment was made for the next Saturday, and Malcolm spent the next few evenings dusting and arranging.
At last Saturday came, and at two o’clock in the afternoon the doorbell rang. There, on the porch, stood Professor Igneous and seven of his best students, all dressed in their best field-trip, outdoor clothing. Several had rock hammers dangling from their belts, and one or two carried cameras. And everyone carried a notebook and pencil.
Professor Igneous himself looked rather ordinary. But he had a ready smile. And his face was deeply tanned from spending years out of doors. As a matter of fact, there was something about his eyes, too. They looked deep and dark, but they had a sparkle that said he enjoyed life. And when he looked at you, it was the same look he gave mountains and rock formations—as though he were trying to peer inside. This was a scientist who liked people at least as much as he liked rocks.
As the professor and students stepped into the rock-filled living room, Malcolm expected to hear oohs and aahs. You know, like you hear at a fireworks show. Instead, there was an uncomfortable silence. The group just stood there looking around, nudging a few of the rocks with their toes. Then the students looked at their professor, waiting for him to say something. After all, this was not the collection of beautiful gems and minerals they had expected. These were ordinary hunks of limestone and sandstone and quartzite. Why, there were even chunks of broken asphalt and concrete!
Finally, Professor Igneous spoke: “Ahem,” he cleared his throat. “Perhaps you would be so good as to explain your collection to us, Mr. Tent. I can honestly say we’ve never seen another collection quite like it.” In the background, his students nodded in agreement.
“Well,” Malcolm began nervously, “I, uh, well … that is. …” It had been a long time since he had said much of anything to anyone.
Professor Igneous could see how nervous Malcolm was. The poor man kept swallowing so hard his Adam’s apple was bobbing up and down. (Some of the students thought he was trying to swallow one of his rocks.)
Trying to help, the professor said, “Why not begin by telling us why you chose these rocks.” He picked up an ordinary gray rock that looked like most of the others. “Why did you choose this particular piece of limestone for your collection?”
“Oh, is that what it is? Well, I think that’s the one I picked up when the laundry didn’t have my shirts ready on time. Wait! No, I think that’s for the time my favorite TV show got canceled. Or was it the time I ran inside to answer the phone, and the caller had the wrong number? Or …” Here he paused to search his memory. There were so many rocks! And they were so much alike—gray, hard, cold, dusty. Suddenly, Malcolm realized that that was all Professor Igneous and his students could see. To everyone else these were just plain old everyday rocks. Malcolm had to explain, to make them see.
“There’s more to these rocks than you might think. Every one of these rocks represents a time somebody made me mad or hurt my feelings. I picked up these rocks as reminders.”
Now the professor and his students were really amazed. They all began to speak at once: “I never heard of such a thing.” “How long have you been doing this?” “Can I take a picture of you with your rocks?” “Some field trip!”
Professor Igneous spoke again, and everyone became quiet. “Well, Mr. Tent,” he began slowly, “I must admit you’re the first person I ever met who collected rocks for that reason.” He paused and looked around. “You’ve been very kind to invite us into your home. And we don’t want to take up too much of your time. But do you suppose that while we are here we might see your other collection?”
A blank look came over Malcolm’s face. “I don’t have any other collection.”
“Oh, I see. I just thought you might have collected something to remind you of the nice things people have done and said. But, well, never mind. Perhaps we ought to be going now. Thank you so much for allowing us to come into your home. I think my students have learned something important.”
He gathered his students around him, and they moved toward the door. Then, turning to Malcolm once more, the professor said, “We still have some time left this afternoon. Could you perhaps direct us to some of the other people with similar collections?”
Once more Malcolm was caught off balance. “I don’t know of any other collections like mine.”
“Oh. I just thought that perhaps some of the people you know would have collected something when you … I mean … if you ever … uh … annoyed them.” Then, quickly, he added, “Yes, well, good-bye, and thanks again.”
Without waiting, the professor and his students turned and marched off down the sidewalk.
Long after they were gone, Malcolm stood there, looking just like one of his rocks—cold and gray and very still. Within him, the professor’s words echoed. Around him, the house was silent. Too silent. He suddenly realized how pleasant the students’ friendly chatter had been. How long since he had had a friendly talk with anyone? Come to think of it, did he even have any friends anymore?
Then, before he could stop it, the thought came into his mind: “I’m becoming just like my rocks.” As Malcolm sat alone in the dark, he finally realized what unpleasant companions rocks are. And how unpleasant he … Well, some thoughts are hard enough to think without actually saying them.
For several days, for hours at a time, Malcolm sat still as a rock, thinking rock-hard thoughts. You might have thought he had finally become petrified. But deep inside him, something was waking up and beginning to grow, like a seed in the spring soil.
If you think it’s hard to find a home for kittens or gerbils or such, you should try finding someone who wants a bunch of very ordinary, dusty, gray rocks. In fact, just try gathering them up when they are scattered all over. Malcolm tried to hire cleaning ladies. They all told him the same thing: “I don’t do windows, and I don’t pick up rocks!” A “Free Rocks” sign in his window brought no results. Finally he realized that this was something he would have to do himself.
The neighbors still talk about the time Malcolm backed a rented trailer up to his front porch, and about the tremendous cloud of dust that rose as the rocks flew out into the trailer. They also talk about how much better Malcolm looks, how his clothes fit so much better (has he lost weight?), and how he actually smiles now.
Malcolm’s neighbors also point with pride to his attractive yard, with trees and flowers and bushes planted everywhere. They don’t have any explanation for his sudden interest in gardening. But one neighbor, Mrs. Kratz, did notice that after she had taken a piece of cake to him, Malcolm went out to the flower bed and planted a single seed.
It’s kind of a long story, so thanks for reading it all. Haha 🤣
It actually took me a few minutes to read it all for my family. It’s a little stressful reading in front of people because you don’t want to mess up super badly and embarrass yourself.
Funny off topic story, but I have always been the kid who likes to answer all the questions in school and in church and in other activities. So in 5th grade, I remember that we were reading together as a class, and I really wanted to read for everyone. I wanted to be called on. I wanted to get that opportunity. I don’t know—I think it’s kind of funny now, but I am someone who likes to do that. Maybe I like the attention…I’m not sure. I still like to read things for others. I often volunteer to read quotes or even word problems in math. I crack myself up sometimes. 🤣
Okay back on topic. Once I finished this story, I began to elaborate. Careful not to go against my very strong beliefs of validating, I tried to share from my heart the lesson from this story.
Looking for the good is something that is very possible and can be really helpful in finding joy in our everyday lives. However, I do want to mention that in the very depths of despair and depression, surviving day to day is more important than forcing positivity on yourself. Remember “toxic positivity?” Okay moving on. Anyway, I know the good is out there.
The other day, I totally screwed up and had a customer pay for someone else’s drink. I had read the drink off to him, and he didn’t correct me, so I followed through with the payment. When I went to hand out the drink, he was confused, telling me there should have been two drinks. We figured the problem out, and I had to admit that I accidentally made him pay for someone else’s drink. I offered to give him a gift card for that amount or give him a full punch card for a free soda next time, but he insisted it was okay. I felt bad, but thanked him for his kindness.
I told the next car that their drink was paid for, and they felt so happy about it. They asked if they could pay for the car behind them. This chain of kindness continued for 6-7 cars. It was astonishing and super awesome to be apart of. It all started with my mistake too, which I find is pretty funny and ironic.
Anyway, I know and believe that goodness is out there when we are looking for it. I know that there are little, tender mercies that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ send our way to remind us that we are loved and not forgotten. Perhaps the goodness for you today is reading this post and knowing that you are loved. You are not forgotten. You are enough.
Once again, I’m going to mention quick that forcing upon the “cup half full” thought is not always the answer. I shared in the “Toxic Positivity” post that sometimes that can be hurtful and invalidating when previous experiences inhibit that outlook for a little while.
Another important thing to remember is that holding grudges does not hurt the person you are frustrated with…it only damages you and your happiness.
Let go of the things holding you back and get rid of any rocks that you are carrying in your pockets, making your burden heavier than it needs to be. Instead, plant figurative (or real, I don’t know) flowers and greenery in your heart to remind you that there is good in the world. To remind you that God has not forgotten you. To remind you that others care about you. To remind you that happiness exists, and it will come.
I know that holding grudges will not lead to happiness. I know that looking for the good will lead to happiness. I know that showing kindness to others makes a difference and will lead to happiness. I know that happiness exists and will come even when we experience the darkest of times. Although happiness may not be upon you, it will come. I know it.
Hi Kyra! Quote about the Candle losing nothing by lighting another candle hit me so hard today. It brought tears to my eyes and I stole it for my facebook. I love you girl. Thank You.
This made my heart feel so happy…I can’t believe my words touched you so deeply. Thank you for reading because it means a lot to me. I love you too!
I am always intrigued with your posts!! I have heard this story before and I love it!!! Years ago when I was going to some counseling. I was carrying several burdens. The counselor suggested I collect some rocks equal to the size I thought my burden was and put them all in a backpack. He then suggested that I go up the mountain and carry my rocks up a walk that was somewhat steep. He encouraged me to take my journal with me. When I arrived at where I wanted to be I was to take the rocks ( burdens) oUt of the backpack and let them go. I wrote in my journal about each burden and how I was letting it go and not carrying them any more. I walked back down the mountain, with a lighter backpack and a lighter heart.. I have never forgot this object lesson I learned. I have used it symbolically many times through the years!!
I love that. Thank you Grandma. I love you