I remember sitting in a meeting with some other FSY counselors and a few assistant coordinators.
We were talking about the chaos that unfolded and the stress that other counselors felt when the flock of sheep trotted by.
You know, the stress of trying to keep the youth out of the road, making sure everyone was safe, and continuing to supervise everyone.
Counselors discussed running across the road to make sure youth were where they needed to be, standing at the edge of the street, and telling youth to stay on the sidewalk.
It was funny to hear their experiences.
Over a hundred sheep, trotting down the middle of the road, with counselors trying to control the situation.
Come on, it’s kind of funny!
Luckily for me, I was on break and chilling in the center of campus, away from the streets.
So sitting in that meeting, hearing their stories, was funny and entertaining.
But more importantly, it was very humbling to me.
It was humbling, and it reinforced a very important lesson.
You’re worth it.
You’re worth it to Him.
You’re worth the extra stress, the chaos, and the inconvenience.
You’re worth that and more.
The night previous to the sheep escapade, we were sitting in a circle, my girls and me.
I was worried about a few of my girls and was trying to follow the spirit to know what to ask and how to ask them how they were doing.
One of them expressed that the entire day for her had been extremely difficult, and she had felt weighed down by self-hatred. She had lost her sense of self-worth.
My heart cracked and felt so sad for her.
Two of the other girls were not faring so well either.
I knew I had to do something.
After saying goodnight to the girls, I was sitting in the hallway outside their doors when an idea came to mind.
I have a friend that did FSY the year before, and he fasted for one of his boys when he felt prompted to.
Boom! That was the answer! I had already been trying so hard to help them feel loved and feel the spirit, and my efforts simply were not enough. It was time to ask for Heaven’s help. It was time to reach out to the Savior and ask for divine assistance.
I called my co-counselor and told him my idea, inviting him to join me in my fast. Immediately he agreed.
We fasted, by name, for three of our girls and two of our boys.
Around 4pm the next day, we were sitting and hanging out in the center of campus when the young woman came running up to us.
“Sheep! I saw sheep! Sheep! I saw sheep!”
My co and I were both a little confused.
She pulled out her phone and showed us the videos she had taken of the sheep.
The smile on her face was evident, and you could tell that something had changed by the sparkle in her eyes.
To be honest, I don’t remember exactly how the conversation went, but from what I do remember, she said that all she wanted from the week was to see sheep. Before she had even come to FSY, she had expressed that she wanted to see sheep.
I’m guessing (though I’m not sure) that she prayed to see sheep. I don’t think it was a conscious prayer, but that’s the beauty of God and His infinite wisdom and power.
He knows the prayers written on our hearts and our unspoken prayers that lay just beneath the surface.
3 Nephi 13:8 teaches this doctrine when it says, “… your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him.”
Heavenly Father knew she wanted to see sheep. He knew she loved sheep. He knew it would make her happy. He knew it would show her of His love.
He knew.
Even though it was going to be stressful and a little chaotic, this young woman was worth it to Him.
And to the counselors once I shared the story.
(Here is a video of the sheep that day)
The next story that ties into the truth that “you’re worth it” is related to how much I love sleep.
Stick with me here as I know that may sound weird.
I love sleep. I love to sleep. Nap time is the best time, and I’m truly thriving when I have time to take a nap during the day.
At FSY, sleep is not only desired but is sacred.
It is such a rare commodity that you treasure every minute.
Well, at least I do.
When on my breaks, I would figure out the latest possible time I could wake up and still make it in time to be back on duty.
I would sometimes set my alarm for a weird time (like 12:52pm or 4:19pm) so that I could sleep just another minute or two.
But guess what?
You’re worth every potential minute of sleep.
You’re worth that and more.
I think being a counselor proves that in of itself, but in this situation, I’m talking about a specific event.
My fourth week this past summer, I had the optional break of the music program.
I love the music program, but as previously stated, sleep is vital. Every minute counts.
So when I woke up before my alarm, I was confused and a little frustrated.
No, no, no!
Did my body not understand that I needed the sleep?
Despite being disappointed to have missed out on precious time recharging and resting, I decided to get up and just go to the music program.
There was no reason to stay on this optional break if I was not sleeping.
When I arrived and sat down, I was over being disappointed and frustrated. Oh well, it happens I guess?
Little did I know that my waking up early had a greater purpose.
Little did I know that my waking up early led to a miracle.
Had I not woken up at the time that I did, I would not have been able to be there for one of my young woman’s speaking parts.
Heavenly Father would not have been able to answer this young woman’s prayer.
She told me later that she had been praying that I’d come in time for her to speak. She knew I was on break but hoped I came in time anyway.
She had a feeling I would come in during the end of Love One Another.
Guess who showed up during the end of Love One Another?
Heavenly Father knew, before she even prayed, that this was important to her.
So He woke me up.
Before my alarm.
(Which, like, never happens.)
Though I was frustrated at first, I felt humbled when I realized the significance of the timing.
She was worth it to Him.
And she was worth it to me.
You’re worth “it.”
Whatever “it” may be, you’re worth it to Him.
Because He loves you.
And He knows you.
He knows if you love sheep. He knows if you want to have your counselor show up for your speaking part.
I hope when you look at your life, you see the moments, however small, that prove you’re worth it.
You’re worth it to others.
You’re worth it to me.
But most importantly, you’re worth it to Him.
This is so beautiful Kyra! I had one of those “you’re worth it” moments just today! Beautiful miracles and reminders. Thank you for sharing!
Great post Kyra! It’s always a good thing to be reminded that you’re worth it no matter if you’re a young person growing up or an order middle aged guy like myself. Thanks sweetheart! Love you
I love the way in the second story, your body followed a prompting (one that your mind didn’t want to follow) without you even realizing it! 😂
I know that both those experiences were true miracles, because God loves his children so much, that He helped you get the ideas and inspiration to help them.
Love you Kyra! You’re awesome 😎
I never thought about it like that. My body following a prompting, haha! That’s awesome!